This lime green bus features colorful “Rice Krispies” mascot graphics. Its windows are tinted blue and the black plastic base rolls on teardrop 5SP wheels.
This was released was a Kellogg’s promo and packaged with a purple 1957 Chevy Convertible.
This lime green bus features colorful “Rice Krispies” mascot graphics. Its windows are tinted blue and the black plastic base rolls on teardrop 5SP wheels.
This was released was a Kellogg’s promo and packaged with a purple 1957 Chevy Convertible.
This metallic purple bug has a black roof and silver front detailing. Its clear windows reveal a grey interior, and the black plastic base rides on split 5SP wheels.
This was released in the Cars of the Future 5-pack.
This tuned white VW Jetta rolls on white 6-spoke wheels and features dark tinted windows. The blue graphics and front and rear detailing match the vehicle’s appearance in the first movie of the Fast & Furious series.
This was released by Racing Champions as part of “The Fast and the Furious, Series 4”
This orange bus has blue/white/yellow/black Y2K decoration and front/rear light details. Clear windows reveal a black interior, and the bare metal base rolls on 5 blade wheels.
This was part of the .COM series. It appeared in multiple waves with the alternate 5 spoke version. There are also a bunch of color variants. I don’t know the details of which colors/wheels connect to the various series numbers and/or exclusive releases.
This bus is white and red with Monopoly “Free Parking” decorations and front/rear detailing. It has clear windows and a metal base riding plastic wheels. It is accompanied by a chrome red Monopoly token of its likeness.
This was part of the 2001 “Monopoly” Series 2
Mainline baja bug with metallic blue paint and orange/white/black tampos. It has OR5SP and an unpainted metal base. This also appeared in a flat grey variant.
This metallic silver Baja Bug has ORSB wheels, white/red/black tampos, and painted metal base. It also exists with a bare metal base.
This metallic blue Baja Bug features red interior, small/large 5SP wheels, and a bare metal base. The sides are adorned with yellow/orange/black bug tampos. It is car 4 of the Buggin’ Out series.